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Dry Needling Solutions for Deep Muscle Pain

Technique for Treating Tight, Painful Muscle Fibers

If you're suffering from deep muscle pain and traditional physical therapy has failed to give you relief, consider dry needling treatments from Evolution Sports Physiotherapy. 

This treatment method allows our physical therapists to reach deep into the muscle belly to relieve tight, painful muscle fibers. Using thin acupuncture needles to create painless microtrauma in the affected tissues, we can jump-start your body's healing powers and release hard-to-reach trigger points.

What is Dry Needling? 

Dry needling is a skilled intervention performed by a Physical Therapist that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying neural, muscular and connective tissues for the evaluation and management of neuromusculoskeletal conditions, pain and movement impairments. 

Dry needling
What's the Difference Between Dry Needling and Acupuncture? 

Dry needling is a technique employed by physical therapists and is similar in that a needle is inserted into the skin to alleviate pain. However, the primary difference between acupuncture and dry needling is that acupuncture treats for the purpose of altering the flow of Qi (or energy) along traditional Chinese meridians while dry needling follows evidence-based guidelines, recommended “point” locations, and dosages for the treatment of specific conditions. These conditions include but, are not limited to: whiplash associated disorders, cervicogenic headaches, tension type headaches, migraine headaches, rib syndromes, facet joint syndromes, cervical radiculopathy, mechanical neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder impingement syndrome, temporomandibular dysfunction, and chronic tendinopathies like: achilles tendinitis, patellar tendinitis, quad tendinitis, long-head of biceps tendinitis, and medial & lateral epicondylitis.

Benefits of Dry Needling

  • Pain relief
  • Increased range of action
  • Restored function and flexibility
  • Rapid return to sports/activities

To learn more, call us at 410-628-0520.

Or read up on the peripheral and central effects of dry needling in our blog section!

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