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Fascial Manipulation

Fascial Manipulation to Improve Pain and Performance

Come experience fascial manipulation with our trained and certified physical therapists at Evolution Sports to improve your acute and chronic muscle, joint, tendon and nerve pain.

What is Fascia? 

Fascia is connective tissue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose, and separate muscles and other internal organs. The deep fascia in particular serves:

1. To transmit force from your muscles

2. As an attachment for your muscles

3. To maintain space for your nerves and vessels to move through your body

4. To aid in motor control and proprioception

Dry needling
How Fascia Contributes to Pain and Dysfunction? 

When you have injury, surgery, repetitive stress, or immobilization of your body the substance between the layers of this connective tissue can dehydrate or “densify” so that the layers can no longer glide on one another to provide the above functions. When this happens, the stress that is created can lead to breakdown at joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves and muscles causing pain and impaired performance. As a result it is often hard to get rid of the pain by treating it at the site of pain alone. Instead, a thorough history and examination of past injury/stress can reveal the cause further up/down a movement chain, not only eliminating pain but also preventing future problems from occurring.

What is Fascial Manipulation? How Does it Work?

Fascial manipulation is a technique that utilizes deep friction massage of the connective tissue surrounding your muscles, organs, bones, vessels and nerves to restore proper movement. This reduces pain from tissue tightness, nerve entrapment, and decreased circulation, but also restores proper feedback between your body and your brain to restore proper movement mechanics.

Fascia also plays a major role in communicating the body’s sense of position and movement for optimal body mechanics. When restriction occurs in the tissue, that communication is altered and often leads to poor movement patterns that can limit ability to perform your best during sports and daily activities.

To learn more, call us at 410-628-0520.

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